A partnership between public libraries and Atlantic Health Systems is bringing health literacy to community members through an innovative initiative that allows patrons to check out tote bags filled with valuable information. Each Health Literacy Tote Bag contains books, CDs, DVDs, and print materials in a learnable lending kit. While the user is expected to return the kit like typical library materials, they keep the print materials. Since a large number of adults in America are below the proficient level when it comes to health literacy, as reported by the United States Department of Health and Human Services, these kits fill an important need in the community. Topics covered include:
- Alzheimer’s disease
- Arthritis
- Autism
- Bereavement/grief
- Caregiver health
- Diabetes and prediabetes
- Fall and injury prevention
- Healthy weight
- Heart health
- Hospice/palliative care
- Mental health
- Opioid and substance abuse
- Parkinson’s disease
- Strength improvement
- Stroke recovery
Pat Regenberg, library manager at the Robert H. Mulreany Health Sciences Library at Overlook Medical Center, acknowledges that, “ Public libraries are the first place people go when they have a need for health information.” Regenberg said that this partnership is a “perfect connection,” especially as it aligns with the Atlantic Health Systems’ mission to “build healthier communities.” The library at Overlook Medical Center has been open to the public since the mid-1980s; but before that, hospital libraries tended to limit access to doctors and employees only.
Janina Kaldan of the Shinn-Lathrope Health Science Library at the Morristown Medical Center also stresses the important role public libraries play when it comes to community health. “Libraries play a critical role in promoting child, and adult health literacy-keys to predicating health literacy, adherence to preventive health care services, and overall health outcomes.” Librarians at Atlantic Health Systems have been serving the communities they are a part of years; but the communities don’t always realize they have access to resources. The Health Literacy Totes are changing that.
The Health Literacy Tote Bags are available at 36 public libraries in and near Union and Morris Counties.
Donors for this program include the Chubb Foundation and Novartis.
Special thanks to Pat Regenberg and Janina Kalda for providing information for this article.